“this is… this is not… my home…”
Behind the fencing wire, the barbed wire, the razor wire, we search for some kind of relief, some semblance of lasting normality. But everything passes, like trains in the night, like flowers’ brief bloom.
Footage from around Mitcham and Tonsley Park, South Australia. The audio is made mostly from a single voice recording.
• official selection, screened at CODEC, 5th Festival Internacional de Cine Experimental y Video (Mexico City, November, 2019);
• screened at WE OPEN SPACE (Vienna, Austria, November, 2019);
• selected for CODEC on-line catalog (2020);
• screened at Squat Betty Avant Garde Film Night, Resistance Gallery, Bethnal Green (London, January, 2020);
• screened at Kino Klub Split (Split, Croatia, February, 2020).