heartsong was a combined video / performance / installation held at Flinders Medical Centre and RiAus in 2009. Coordinated by Sally Francis, FMC Arts in Health, it was produced and written by Cheryl Pickering, with music by Richard Chew and Ian Dixon, sculpture and installation by Dwani Oak, video and animation by Dan Monceaux and Emma Stirling, and poetry by Ian Gibbins.
The show followed the journey of a heart attack patient in a live performance of improvised music, video, animation, visual art and text.
The images above show one of Ian’s poems, heart attack, displayed on the LED ribbon outside RiAus.
The poem featured in the installation was ecg, which you can read below. It is published in urban biology.
light hearted
heavy hearted
soft hearted
broken hearted
open hearted
cold hearted
empty hearted
kind hearted
heart of gold
goodness of your heart
bottom of my heart
change of heart
lion hearted
stout hearted
heart like an ox
your heart’s desire
learnt by heart
hale and hearty
his hearty laugh
her hearty broth
your heart on your sleeve
down hearted
faint hearted
bleeding heart
heartened to hear
the heart of the matter
sweet heart
this heartland
this heart of the country
this heartbeat
this heart to heart
Here is an industrial mix of ecg…