An Introduction to the Theory of Eclipses

eclipse (n. countable and uncountable)

1. An alignment of astronomical objects whereby one object comes between the observer and another object.
2. A seasonal state of plumage in some birds adopted temporarily after the breeding season.
3. Obscurity, decline, downfall.

An Introduction to the Theory of Eclipses has its premiere screening and won the Staff Favorite Film Award at Another Whole in the Head – Warped Dimension FilmFest 2022, run on-line out of San Francisco, 14-15 May, 2022. It was developed from some animated sequences I made for our 2022 Adelaide Fringe show UGLY – A NOT Fairytale, in which one of the characters was Eclipse, played by Michael Jaxon Carson. The original concept was inspired by Inori-Prayer-, a short video made by WOW Inc to promote their projection mapping system.

The animations here were very complex to make. The faces are made by an artificial intelligence system (Generated Media, Inc) that was trained on a huge library of images of real faces. This is the same system I used for a previous video: The Life We Live Is Not Itself. However, I composited real eyes (mine!) onto some of them. The … Click here for more.

interactive & animated web poems

Web-based poems allow a unique range of options for reader to interact with the text: there can be animations, branch points, options depending on what is selected and more.

Here are some examples that Ian has made… click on the titles or links to see them.

>> preface – edge detection. The full text is published in code::art::0 and was based on a piece written for AGITATE:21C.

>> days before dawn. The full text is published in StylusLit.

There are two different versions of this poem:
• Survey Monkey version
• WordPress version (currently inactive)
… plus you can read the full text version published here at otoliths.

>> Click here to see two animated GIF poems, The Various Contrivances by Which and Game Over (Grand Final Edition) published in otoliths.

>> Click here to see two animated GIF poems, a skeleton of desire and eclipse summer published in otoliths. The text of a skeleton of desire is published in Ian’s chapbook of the same name.

>> Click here to see Rescue, an animated GIF visual poem in otoliths.

Interrogation in otoliths

My crime poem Interrogation is now out in otoliths 54. It is set-up in the form of a questionnaire. There are two different interactive versions of it as well, one made with SurveyMonkey, the other using WordPress plug-ins and CSS code. You might like to try an interactive version first…

Click here to read the text of Interrogation in otoliths.
Click here to try the Survey Monkey version.
Click here to try the WordPress version.