My video poem The Ferrovores had been published in leading USA literature magazine Atticus Review. It has since been picked up by Moving Poems (USA) and ZEBRA Poetry Film Festival (Germany) facebook page.
Filmed mostly in the southern Flinders Ranges, it explores the idea of alternative energy sources for food after environmental collapse.
“this time, this place… beyond open circulation closed reciprocity… closed hydration spheres wrought cast smithed… this is what we are what we eat … “
Iron is the most common metal on earth. Indeed, it forms much of the molten core of the planet which in turn generates the earth’s magnetic poles. The red soils of the world are due to iron. At a biochemical level, iron is essential for human life, amongst other things, making our blood red. In the societal domain, iron is essential for manufacturing, electricity generation, and much more. Certain bacteria can derive energy for life directly from dissolved iron compounds (“rust”) rather than from oxygen as we do. Perhaps, at some time in the future, we, our descendants, the Ferrovores, may need to do the same.
Here is the complete text of The Ferrovores:
.title .basename {set: text=ferrovores; reset @article=the; lang1=eng; lang2=univ; lang3=default; style=icaps allbold; } //** The Ferrovores **// .timecode .timescale .timepoint {set: input1=rand; input2=pos; lib=hum(var(01)*input1); style=quotetext; loop @lib @timevar call lib=hum(var(02)*input2(exp arcsin); } //** this time this place **// .core .access {def: chemmode(1)=inorganic; chemmode(2)=organic; textcore(1)=ferr(-ic -ous); textcore(2)=haem(-crit -globin -lymph -lysis -stat); } //** beyond open circulation closed reciprocity closed hydration spheres wrought cast smithed **// .seekinfo .search(1) .search(2) {def: user(1)=ex(var_x); if x=primord dir=formove; if x=randreal dir=stay; else dir=mod(acc_rate); } //** reanimate sunlight as dayshift weekshift on longperiod oscillation on moebius orbit frameshift record wavelength overhead unfiltered indigo twin crimson unless strangeity or circumflexure or expaquelessness unless waterfall downfall crestfall record options intermesh intertwine intervene **// .setvox .setlang=lang(1-3) {call: comment=live reset @vox=live; person=1; n=z(z>1); timecode=t(t>0); timepoint=p(p rel); run(vox()); } //** we hunger thirst elements raw simple unalloyed we gather beside we aggregate congregate sound our names our attraction call to other to self our need to extract transfer to self to energise **// .setvox {set: reset @vox=live; run(); } //** magnetite haematite limonite ediacara wilpena burra **// .setvox {set: reset @vox=live; run((1)); } //** such as ferromagnetic anti-ferromagnetic for example we count valency two three six for example we count oxygen hydrogen carbon for example oxide carbide bicarbonate compounded such as this is what we are what we eat **// .seekinfo .search(1) .search(2) {def: user(2)=ex(var_x); if x=primord dir=jumpmove; if x=randreal dir=recirc; else dir=mod(acc_rate(1)*acc_rate(2)); if sum(dir)=0 set x=0; overwrite=on; reset all; run @vox=live; } //** away from home heat our seekline to dig to grind to dust devouring to take in take further away from metabolic inertia our logfiled source material anticipation **// .nametest .brandtest {set: brandname(1)=randlist(n); brandident(1)=tradelist(n); filter(fam)=on; filter(opt)=suff(-e -iliar -ilarity -ily -ous); reset=off; } //** for example general motors ford hatch ute wagon grip of jaws wings calls wrung loose of clench spin spread flock flocked flocking precipitation **// .status {set: @codecheck=scan(1); errormode=codefix; voxmode(1)=formfix; reset=iter(reset(1)); loop=off; } //** no **// .status {set: @codecheck=scan(2); errormode=codefix; voxmode(1)=formfix; reset=iter(reset(2)); loop=off; } //** no no **// .interrupt .sidepane .save {set: source=prime; dir=root; data(1)=geo(axis(1-3)); data(2)=temp(axis(4)); voxmode(2)=resetlib(1); voxmode(3)=quote; runmode=safe; run; } //** as if feeding natural pure extract direct directly into abundance extensive unsought riches ex-gangue ex-galena as if we no longer buddle leach vann froth smelt blast our approach but build coherence at positive equilibrium as if our enzymatic catalysis of electromotive potential **// .endpage .footer .sendform {set: textvar=max; reset @current; searchclass=final; searchcase=divest(all); searchverb=end(1); else continue; voxmode=mono; run @vox=live @end; } //** time just this place just this fear of rust we do and not or we eat all and none now with no air clear or blue no rare earth just dry blood red and blown on high wind as if not yet in our grasp not yet out of our reach **// .endtitle {set: text=null @end; run(vox) @vox=off; stopcode=on; } //** **//