In 2012,
Mike Ladd and
Cathy Brooks coordinated a public street art project for Adelaide City Council in which they invited poets to submit concrete poems and epigrams that could be placed on signs in Bowen Street, beside the new bus terminal. Work from 17 poets and artists was selected and the signs were designed by Cathy. I was very pleased to have a piece selected. The slideshow illustrates some examples of the signs. Unfortunately, the installation was dismantled, but it may re-appear at some stage…
Poets and artists on the project were: Jude Aquilina, Cathy Brooks, Jelena Dinic, Ian Gibbins, Kevin Gillam, Simon J Hanson, Fiona Johnson, Jules Lee Koch, Jack Ladd, Mike Ladd, Stephen Lawrence, Rachael Mead, John Pfitzner, Thom Sullivan, Heather Taylor-Johnson, Amelia Walker and Cecilia White.
Slideshow images by Ian Gibbins.